
MyParish Appmyparish app

Download our parish app to access Mass & confession times, church news, daily readings, bulletins, prayers, and more! To download, text the word APP to 55321 to receive a link to download the app. Then, create an account and search for your respective parish.

As a parishioner of Holy Family or Holy Spirit church, you have free access to a library of Catholic videos, movies, studies and more on! After you sign up, you can also download the app from the App Store or Google play for smartphones, tablets, and Smart TVs.

To sign up:

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your respective parishes’ zip code or name
  3. Enter your name and email
  4. Enjoy and share with others!

Amen App

The Amen app is a free Catholic Prayer, Meditation and Scripture App made available by the Augustine Institute. 

For Kids & Families

Holy Kids YouTube - by Pro Ecclesia Sancta Sisters
Catholic Sprouts
Holy Heroes


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